Food photography: where to start

When starting out, it is very difficult for a photographer to choose a niche. After all, there are a large number of directions. In each of them you want to try yourself and achieve success. True, not everything is so easy. For example, there is quite a lot of competition in wedding photography. Advertising photography requires special equipment and knowledge. If everything is not so easy, then in what direction should we move?

Why not start photographing food?

This is quite an interesting and promising direction. In addition, this is a fairly profitable niche. Food photographers can make money shooting for Instagram, for menu design and, of course, they have a separate place on photo stocks, where they sell their photos an infinite number of times.

Do you want to shoot and earn as well? What is necessary for the development in this genre of photography?!

You don't even need a lot of technology to get started. You can start with a standard kit lens. It comes with any camera. Subsequently, it can be replaced with a lens with a focal length of 50 mm to 100 mm. They can be easily found in the secondary market, where they will not cost much. You will also need backgrounds. You can make them yourself. This will require boards and a little imagination. Attach beautiful devices and accessories to get “delicious” photos. Thus, it will be possible to obtain memorable and interesting images.

Do not forget about the light. After all, this is one of the main elements of food photography, and indeed any photography in general. Without him, it is simply impossible. For food photography at the initial stage, you can use the light from the window. It should fall at a 45 degree angle for best effect. Then you can already use external flashes or lighting units in conjunction with a softbox. True, why use expensive equipment if there is a window.

In addition to lighting, you should use composition to enhance your shots. Thanks to it, you can easily frame the frame to provide the best visual effect. In this article, we will give you some composition tips that you can use in the near future:

  • Don't use too many details. Loading the image with unnecessary elements is bad. In such a situation, confusion is created and the main object of your frame is lost.
  • The rule of thirds. Composition classic. No one forbade its use in food photography. The main elements of the image should be placed at the intersection of lines.
  • Use of simple geometric shapes. Everything is pretty simple here. You can arrange image elements in a simple geometric shape. It can be a square, triangle or circle. This technique will improve the image and will force the viewer to study it longer.
  • The rule of the golden section. It was designated by Fibonacci. Building a frame according to this rule is not easy. After all, the elements of the photo should be built in some kind of spiral.
  • Engage rhythm. You can arrange food photography objects in a certain sequence one after another. In this way, they form a rhythm that is remembered and attracts attention.

Food photography is a great way to shoot. Thanks to her, you will discover a lot of new and interesting things. Good luck and inspiration.


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